
Alphabet Easter Activity for Little Ones

This is a super fun way to practice letters with your toddler or preschooler! There are so many variations that can be done to satisfy your little one's development and what kiddo doesn't love Easter eggs?!

Start with a bag of plastic eggs.  I got this bag from Walmart, about $1.99.  48 eggs total.  We only need 26.
Based on your little one's letter recognition, you can do this a couple of ways.

  • The first way is to write the uppercase letter and lowercase letter on the same colored egg.  This will help narrow the choices down for your kiddo, making them feel more successful (which is what this is ALL about).  
  • The second way is to mix all of the egg pieces up and write the uppercase and lowercase letters on different colored pieces.  They will have to rely on the letter, rather than the color.  (You will have to cut the pieces apart if you choose this method.)
Using a sharpie, and your best writing, write an uppercase and lowercase for each letter.  Make sure to get the uppercase on the TOP egg and the lowercase on the BOTTOM egg. 
My daughter knows all of her letters so I opted for the mixed colored eggs.  This is will help her become more fluent with recognizing both uppercase and lowercase letters. 

Activities with your eggs:  (remember, your goal is to help your child feel successful so start small)
  • Start with a few eggs (the letters in their name is a great start).  As your little one gets better, add a couple of eggs. 
  • Hide the eggs and line them in ABC order as you find them.
  • Put small objects that begin with that letter and guess what may be in it. 
  • Have your little one sort objects by beginning sound and put in correct egg. 
Can you add any fun activities to the list? 


  1. We could also do numbers with the eggs. Thanks for this as it gives us something to do with the eggs after Easter. I will be sharing this link with my readers on MommiesPOV.com this morning if you would rather I not let me know and I will take the post down.

    1. I love that idea Glenda! You could hide eggs numbered 1-whatever, and the kiddo can only pick them up in order too! FUN!

      Thanks for the share!


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